Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm Back... From Outer Space...

Hey ho to all! I'm back, but unfortunately don't have time to write a whole lot tonight... I TOTALLY appreciate all of the prayer support, and it was answered in amazing ways by God. Great times growing as friends for John Mark and me (at least on my side of things- dost thou agree, JM?). Many more details to come... but for now, just know that God was incredible this weekend.

1 Peter 1:22 says that we are to "love one another deeply, from the heart." So I encourage you all to take this seriously and really try to love one another deeply. Keep in mind that the Bible just doesn't say "on the outside", like to falsify your love, but really "from the heart". As Hillsong puts it, "From the Inside Out" (sick nasty = fantastic song. Go listen to it right now).

Enjoy some of my favorite pics as a "teaser" for the sweet video to come... and go love one another deeply from the heart!

In His strength alone...


1 comment:

John Mark said...

As for growing close, I'll say this much: in my tiny tent, we were VERY close. ;)