Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I am not flexible.

Good evening...

Today was another blessed day! Praise the Lord... woke up this morning, read some of the Word while I ate cereal, then headed off to SMAC. At SMAC I had the students create a story (about Estuardo, the soccer player). I discovered this guy was from England, had a sister (no brothers), liked apples, used the million dollars a rich relative left him to buy a new car, gifts for his teammates, and a mansion. I had fun interjecting a few details here and there and then, at the end, attempting to translate everything they had written (to the delight of all the students... it's fun when the tables have turned and I'm the one that doesn't know everything that they do). John Mark then taught on idioms for the second hour and did a great job of getting the students involved and enjoying it!

Afterwards, I spent time with Wang (haha I discovered yesterday that's how you spell his name correctly) and we ate "Chifa" (Chinese) while watching tennis. I also presented Diana with an Spanish-English Bible and I've decided that I was very spoiled with Henry's response to his Bible because Diana was thankful, but just a mere "thank you" was all she said. Please pray that the Lord uses the Bible to bring her closer to Him, for she already knows Him and is a sister in the faith :-).

After that I headed back to my house, finished studying Joshua 4, took a short nap then had a great time of prayer. We all need those times every once in a while, where we just put ourselves before the Lord, say "this time is TOTALLY yours", surrender our lives once again (I need to do that daily), and pray for everything/one we can think of... I love it. I edited the Chimborazo video (see below), spent a bit of time at the Maust house and then headed off to TKD!

At Martial Arts I had a good time with Henry, practicing spinning roundhouse kicks (which I am ridiculously bad at) and stretching. We also did more of the test-practicing that I have really enjoyed! Afterwards, Henry and I talked about what he read last night (James and Proverbs) and he really seems to be learning! Praise the Lord! I love his eagerness... oh Lord, may I have the same joy and eager heart to dive into Your Word each and every day. He also shared with me he feels bad because he can't pay me back, but I reminded him that the best way he can pay me back is by reading his Bible every day and living for Jesus! Please do keep him in your continued prayers, and pray that I am able to bless him in other ways, too...

Next was dinner at Orale with the Coupes! We had a great time, they thoroughly enjoyed it (they'd never been there) and it was just a blast! Food, friends, fun conversation, freedom, faith, fallacy, folly, fickle... ok, enough with "f" words. Ha.

Now I'm sitting here having just finished a conversation with Dad and Hunter! Praise the Lord for wonderful family members... please keep them in prayer as they are preparing to head to Peru on August 1st to evangelize for 10 days! I'm STOKED for them...

I also received a sad call from Andrea. She told me that they didn't give her the visa she needs to go to the States. Apparently (the Coupes told me) it is VERY difficult to get a visa for Ecuadorians because the government believes they will leave the country and never come back. I'm just sad for her because I know she was really looking forward to being an au pair... please pray that the God of all comfort is present in her heart these next few days...

We worship You... Hallelujah Hallelujah We worship You... for who You are... You are Good!

In His strength alone...


This one's a good bit longer than usual, so get comfortable, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the phenomenal impromptu acting talents of Bill Coupe (with me as his very minor co-star).

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