Friday, August 1, 2008

Long Awaited...

Here's the video blog of the last investigation trip... I apologize for the delay.

To Him be all glory, honor, power, and praise...


PS One of the lessons I loved learning about from the last few chapters of "Mere Christianity" was how God does not just seek to cure us partly... it's all or nothing with Him. He desires for us to be perfect, just as He is perfect (Matthew 5:48). So when we call upon His strength to help us be cured of one sin, He goes out to cure ALL of our sin. CS Lewis compared it to a toothache... when he had just a little toothache, although he loved the aspirin, he wouldn't tell his mother because he knew that the next day they would have to go to the dentist. He only told her when the pain REALLY hurt... he couldn't have the numbness (from aspirin) without going to the dentist and having the dentist look at every one of his teeth, finding problems with some that didn't hurt before. This is kinda like God and our sin.

It is very disheartening to many when, once they feel they've conquered one sin in their life, the Lord reveals to them another area they need to work on. This we should understand is the Lord perfecting us... when we truly give it our all to try to be perfect, discover that we're nothing with out Him, and call upon His strength to perfect us, He will do just that. He will show us ALL areas of our life where we fail, little by little (for we would most certainly die of humiliation if we knew of all of them at once).

Don't get down when you find a new area to work on, but understand that you are in the process of being perfected by the Perfect One.

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